Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture
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Newton Serves PROJECT Registration Register View Cart

Newton Serves May 4, 2025

This registration is for the Project Leader to register a Newton Serves Project Site.  

Volunteer registration will open on March 17, 2025.

PROJECT SITES  Criteria for qualification as a project site:

1) Must be a City of Newton property
    (this includes schools and school grounds, parks, fields, Newton bodies of water, city buildings)

2) Invasive plant pull sites must be a City of Newton property **see note below


1) Organize and communicate with volunteers 
  • Volunteer registration opens March 17
  • Project Leader must have unregistered volunteers sign a release form.  Project leaders must return the signed formed to the PRC Department.
  • Blank forms will be emailed to the Project Leader and available for pick-up at City Hall on May 4
2) Coordinate collection of supplies prior to May 4th
  • PRC staff will be delivering bulk materials (mulch, fibar, loam etc) to the work site DATE TBD
3)  Pick-up all bags (leaf, trash & invasive)  at Newton City Hall
  • 1000 Commonwealth Ave – On the steps of City Hall - Fountain Side
  • Between 8:00 am–9:00 am on May 4
4) The City will provide hand tools, but not wheelbarrows.
  • Please know we have a limited number of hand tools so please plan on bringing your own tools.
**IMPORTANT NOTE RE: INVASIVE PLANTS: If you or your group are planning on working on an invasive plant species removal project, please reach out to the Newton Conservation Office, 617-796-1152  for review and approval of the proposed pull, BEFORE YOU REGISTER YOUR WORK SITE.
  • When checking out of this registration, a list of questions will appear, and you will be required to answer the questions to provide additional details about the project.
  • If  you are registering more than one project, List the name of each project in the Project Title Field when checking out.  The Superintendent of Maintenance will contact you for the details of each project
  • The registration will be placed in "the cart".  You must check out of the cart,there is no fee.  Thank-you
Any questions please contact Robin McLaughlin 617-796-1510

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Newton Serves Project Registration 
18y - 99y N/A Su  05/04/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Various Locations
$0.00 Res, $0.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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