Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture
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Pickleball General Information- McGrath Courts


McGrath Courts- 1600 Washington Street
Courts are permitted for Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture programs and lessons. Punch cards required for organized drop-in play.  Registration required for lessons.  Visit to learn more.

Please note this sign reflects only NPRC permitted program. Other programs may be permitted for the courts and will display a permit number.   Please call with questions 617-796-1506

Drop In Play- Staff On Site ( Punch Card Required) 

Monday   1:00- 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday  9:00 a.m. till Noon

Wednesday  1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Thursday 9:00 a.m. till Noon

Public Walk On Play  ( No Punch Card Required) 

Mondays 8:00 a.m- 12:30 p.m.

Tuesdays noon till dusk

Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

Thursdays noon till dusk

Fridays and Sundays all day

Saturdays 11:30 p.m. to dusk

   It is best to sign up for weekly updates.  Please email

We look forward to seeing you on the courts! 




You Need a Punch Card to Play.  It is $5 to enter the courts to play and cash is not accepted. Punch cards are $25 for five plays or $50 for 10 plays. Lost/Stolen cards are not replaced or refunded.  

There are two ways to get your punch card.

1. Pickleball punch cards are available at Parks Recreation & Culture Dept.

246 Dudley Road, between 8:30- 5PM
We only accept cash or checks. If using cash, please bring the exact amount.  Petty cash, to make change is not available at the office.

2.  Mail in a check with a note and we will mail the punch card back to you


Outdoor Pickleball Playtime at Auburndale Cove
  • Auburndale Cove
  • West Pine St, 02466
  • Pickleball Playtime is a Newton Parks and Recreation program that is a self- led by participants. 
  • Play times are seven days per week,9:30- 11:30 a.m.  Year-round weather permitting. 
  • PLEASE do not shovel the courts or use a snow blower on the courts, this could damage the courts.  Thank-you
  • Quarterly registration is required.  Newton residents pay $20 per seasonal quarter, non- residents pay $25.  Please keep your paid receipt with you.  The fees directly support court maintenance for this program.
  • Players bring, set up and break down their own nets. 
  • Step One: Register and pay with Newton Parks and Recreation
    Step Two: coordinate your play day and time at-
  • Contact Nancy Scammon, 617-796-1506,

Where are the outdoor courts? 
The City maintains 12 lined Pickleball courts in Newton. 
 There are 6 outdoor courts located at McGrath, located at 1600 Washington Street. ( 2 nets left out) 
  There are 4 courts located at the Cove in Auburndale, West Pine Street. ( 1 net left out) 
There are 2 courts located at Pelligrini Park, located at 11 Hawthorn Street. 

Players must provide their own rackets and balls. 


We offer lessons throughout the year, both indoors and outdoors. The best way to say in touch when lessons are ready is to add your name to our Pickleball lesson distribution list. Please call 617-796-1506 or email