Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture
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All Star Chess Training Register View Cart

For serious young chess players between the ages of 8 and 15 who want to make considerable progress in improving the focus of their game.  

U.S. Life Master and FIDE trainer Lou Mercuri is running his 23rd summer of All Star Chess Training and is once again partnering with Newton Parks & Recreation.  Special features of the Training Camp include:

Small group training sessions
Tournament preparation
Team problem-solving competitions
40-problem tactics test
Book prizes
Student evaluations and recommendations
Group analysis of students’ best games
New training manuals for each session
Blitz chess tournament
3 to 4 staff trainers per session

There is no minimum or maximum recommended rating, but the general range of abilities for this camp is from players just starting tournaments to players in the top 50 for their age in the US.

Players may register for one or both weeks of the program.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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July 7 - 11 at Lower Falls 
8y - 15y N/A MTuWThF  07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025
09:00 AM - 03:45 PM

Lower Falls Community Center (Hamilton)
$435.00 Res, $450.00 Non-Res
11 seat(s) available
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August 4 - 8 at Emerson 
8y - 15y N/A MTuWThF  08/04/2025 - 08/08/2025
09:00 AM - 03:45 PM

Lower Falls Community Center (Hamilton)
$435.00 Res, $450.00 Non-Res
12 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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