Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture
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Bobby Braceland Playground (Upper Falls) - Off-Leash Area


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Bobby Braceland Playground (Upper Falls)
Tennis Courts (2)
Basketball Court
Baseball Field
Soccer Field B (7v7)
Off-Leash Area
Soccer Field A (7v7)

= Unavailable     = Available

Facility Area Information

Chestnut St
Newton Upper Falls, MA 02462

Status: Open

Log In to Request

Off-leash area is closed December 15- March 15

Fee Schedule
_____Tier 1:  Newton Parks, Recreation & Culture Leagues and programs; Newton Public Schools athletics and events
                         NO CHARGE
_____Tier 2:  Newton Youth Leagues (see list in permit packet)
                         NO CHARGE EXCEPT TURF FIELDS $50/HOUR; Light fees additional, if applicable.
_____Tier 3:  Adult Leagues with at least 65%Newton Residents; Newton Private Schools; Newton Businesses,
                         Youth Leagues(not designated as Tier 2) with at least 65% Newton Residents, Newton Public School PTO’s                                           
                         $30/hour minimum; $100/hour turf fields; Light fees additional, if applicable.
_____Tier 4:  Youth and Adult leagues with less than 65% Newton residents; Newton non-profits; Newton
                        Charitable Organizations.
                         $40/hour, minimum; $150/hour turf fields; Light fees additional, if applicable
_____Tier 5:  Private for profit Camps and Clinics not affiliated with Newton.
                         $50/hour minimum; $150/hour turf fields.  Light fees additional, if applicable.
                         One-time Events/tournaments considered on a case-by-case basis.

Reservations & Activities

Click on an activity name for details or the date for the activity schedule.


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