Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture
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Orienteering Programs for Youth

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Join Newton Parks & Recreation and Navigation Games for a 4 week program to develop orienteering and map reading skills. Play a variety of games to learn the  skills needed in orienteering like staying within boundaries, reading a map, finding things in order, and develop decision making skills to locate objects in the fastest time.  Different courses will be set up each week.  This scavenger hunt-like activity will keep kids moving and exploring the great outdoors in a way that enhances spatial awareness, positive feelings around the outdoors and promotes environmental stewardship.

Our programs for new participants will include a variety of games to prepare children for completing courses on the trails.  Younger participants will be grouped with other participants and a program staff person to do activities while older participants will be paired together to complete courses.

Our returning participants will spend most of the time in the woods! We will practice advanced navigation skills through a variety of games and activities geared towards teaching direction, route choice, relocation, and even going off-trail. Some activities include scavenger hunts, Vampire-Orienteering, and our own version of capture-the-flag. By the end of our program, participants will have the skills necessary for basic forest navigation, and will be prepared to bring their families to future orienteering events.  Younger participants will still be paired with a staff person while older participants will be paired together to complete courses.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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