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Aquatic Exercise with Charles River Aquatics Register View Cart

Increase your physical activity without stress on your joints. Swimming skills are not necessary.

Water aerobic set to music! In addition to a cardiovascular workout, each class includes muscle conditioning for all major muscle groups and stretching for flexibility. This class is great for balance. Several options are given to increase or decrease the difficulty of the workout. Participants must feel comfortable in chest deep water

 Our teacher Geralyn Strella is certified through the Aquatics Exercise Association and the Arthritis Foundation.

Special Notes

ll students must follow the Code of Conduct Policies and have a signed Release Form on file. All paper work needs to be submitted by September 9th, one week before class begins. 

The full cost of class is $215 for twenty classes. This works to $10.75 per class. There is no pro-rating.

Class is held at Charles River Aquatics located at 

900 Worcester Street, Wellesley MA ( Route 9 east bound) 

Class time is 9:00- 10:00 AM
Please do not arrive before 8:50AM. 

Questions or concerns?  Please call 617-796-1506

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Aquatic Exercises at Charles River Aquatics 
55y - 100y N/A TuTh  02/11/2025 - 05/01/2025
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Charles River Aquatics 900 Worcester Road Wellesley
$205.00 Res, $205.00 Non-Res
9 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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