Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture
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2020 Badminton Tournament at Newton South

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

This program has been cancelled because of COVID-19.  We hope to reschedule for May and will re-open registrations if we are able to reschedule.

Join Newton Parks and Recreation for our B and C level Badminton Tournament.  Players may sign up for one single and one double event per day.  Youth 14 and older may sign up for the youth or open division, but not both.  Ages are by calendar year.  
Each person must register and pay for each division they participant in, including doubles, so please make sure your partner also registers for doubles. 
Please Note: A level players and players reaching the quarter finals or higher in the Northeast Open Regional Championships are unfortunately not allowed to play in this tournament but we congratulate you on your success and high skill level. 
Registration opens December 1st and closes March 5th or when the division fills.  
Contact Channon Ames DiCiurcio at or 617-796-1529 with any questions.

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* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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